PPP Coming Soon!
Coming in early 2017....
Want to learn more about how physical therapy can help all types of performers prevent injuries?
Look no further! On Physiotherapy Performance Perspectives (PPP), Jenna and Marissa interview physical therapists who specialize in and love treating performing artists. In this monthly podcast, we aim to help performing artists gain a better understanding of how their bodies works, how to reduce risk of injury, what physical therapy for performing artists entails, and how to maximize performance potential.
Like us on Facebook to stay tuned: www.facebook.com/ptperformanceperspectives/
Check out our website! ptperformancepersp.wixsite.com/home
Feel free to contact us with any requests: ptperformanceperspectives@gmail.com
Founders: Jenna Kantor and Marissa Schaeffer Music: Bret Autrey vs. Ella Fitzgerald - Puttin on the Ritz (Irving Berlin & Taco) Music License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode